Thursday 27 December 2007

Dr. Wilde,

Happy 70th!!

There isn’t nearly enough room on the pages of this blog to recount all the stories and adventures we have shared together…from the road trips for the many ASIDIC meetings, the drives to and from Boston for the flight to London Online, front seats on the upper level of double decker busses, Hazlitts, pints at the Dog and Duck, Monk’s Jazz Shop, cheese shop on Jermyn Street, Amalfi desserts, DaBrunos, Quo Vadis, Waiting for Godot, Kings Cross and Paddington Station, York Minster, the Viking Museum, lunches at Willington Pizza or Little Marks Big BBQ, the red light district in Amsterdam and a Mass in Dutch, Tiffany’s emeralds in New York, the Manhatten Ocean Beach Club, Beef Jerky, Clark Kent and the list just goes on and on…story after story after story. (Helen is now holding up two fingers) Suffice to say that my life would not be what it is today without the experiences we have shared and the many things you taught me. I’ll be thinking about you today, as I do on many days, re-examining those many lessons. You’ll be pleased to know that Nerac continues to thrive in spite of anything that I do…

